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All books using the keywords: Raymond Steadman and Teresa Bradshaw

Giddy Swamp Raymond Steadman and Teresa Bradshaw
Books with a 0 star rating(4)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620305782
A collection of life stories from African America Abe Steadman’s descendants of Giddy Swamp Township, Aiken County, South Carolina. Abe was born in slavery about 1833. He was married twice and produced 21 children that have spread across the south and migrated north for a better quality of life and employment. They've encountered many struggles and misplaced family members are still untraceable. In our genealogy search, we've encounter many Steadman relatives that were not related to our tree, however, we've document their conversation and family tree outlines within this book. Enjoy the quest of Abe’s offspring’s and how they've grown.