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All books using the keywords: Maria R. Babione

The Atlantican Dream Maria R. Babione
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885675291
Atlantis is a city of legend around the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. But the Rainthyaians, who have been at war with Atlantis for centuries, are willing to do anything required to see Atlantis annihilated. The war is not going well for Atlantis. They are on the brink of their beloved city being destroyed a second time, but this time, they may not survive. They dream of freedom. What they don’t know is that true freedom is closer than they think. Wayne Qynsan and his younger sister, Ruby, are part of the Atlantican royalty, but they both feel that there could be more that they can do for their country. They join the military, and they soon learn of the Savior, Jesus Christ, who had come ...