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Politics & Current Affairs

Stolen Identity RoShawn C. Evans
Books with a 4 star rating(25)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780692974827
Your personal identity describes who you are, who you aspire to be, or who people perceive you to be. The majority of us have been told in our lives at one time or another that we can be whoever or whatever we want to be, but what happens when someone else makes that decision for you without your honest consent? Typically in our society when someone's identity is stolen, there are a series of laws and agencies in place to remedy that issue; however, when it is the lawmaker that is the thief of your identity what recourse do you have? Who do you tell? Who can help you? Who will believe you? Stolen Identity is a story about a young man's battle with a dysfunctional family, a faulty cri ...
The Balk Billy Roper
Books with a 4 star rating(6)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The balkanization of America is coming. What does that mean, and what will it mean to America's future? What will it mean for you, and for your family? Civil War is coming. The United States will no longer be United. Where do you want to be, when it all comes apart? This book may save your life, and the lives of your family. Ozarkia. Come for a visit, and stay for your life.