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Lepers in Sheep's Clothing: The State of the Church Today Timothy Bell
Books with a 4 star rating(7)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620301487
We have a problem! As children of God, as heirs of God and joint heirs of Jesus Christ, the Bible says we are in this world, but not of this world. Why is it, then, that there appears to be little to no difference between the believer and the world? Why do the same issues that harass and harangue the world also manage to overcome and defeat God’s people? Why does the world no longer look to the Church for direction or guidance? Why doesn’t the world respect and reverence the Church? If we were to be honest with ourselves, we would admit that the Church, the Body of Christ, has lost respect and honor for itself. Sadly, the Church, the Body of Christ, has been infected with a deadly diseas ...
The Modern Day Ark Jerry Smith Jerry Smith
Books with a 4 star rating(6)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637905012
Have you heard the story of Noah’s ark? Well, I can assure you! You have never experienced it like this before! If you dare to take this journey into the past suddenly, right before your very eyes, the ark will metamorphose. You will then navigate through the annals of time, right back to the future! Who knows? You might just experience a metamorphosis of your own. It could happen! Are you up for it? During the journey you will experience transtemporal travel to the days of Noah. As you stand mesmerized by the ark, your focus will become transfixed upon the door. The overwhelming compulsion to climb aboard will only intensify with each subsequent page. The procurement of a passport and a ...