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Self-Improvement on page 18

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Do Nothing John Laughlin
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Negotiation: It's not just about winning Every decision that involves two or more people may become a negotiation. You don't negotiate with yourself about what to eat for breakfast, but if you and your friend are about to pick a spot for lunch, the discussion is likely to be a negotiation in which one of you prevails. This book contains a counter-intuitive strategy and some related tactics that will assist would-be negotiators achieve greater success and satisfaction in the many formal and informal negotiations that they encounter in both their business and personal lives.
Don't Let Your Mouth Get You In Trouble Jada M. Davis
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885670289
YOUR GUIDE TO MASTERING THE ART OF SHUT UP KEEP GRINDING ® Many people have good ideas that they have no idea what to do with. Don’t Let Your Mouth Get You In Trouble is your guide to silencing distractions, getting out of your own head, and creating streamlined processes to reach your goals. Jada gives practical examples, call-to-actions, resources, and tools so that you can overcome self-doubt and stop making excuses. This book is designed for the thinkers who want to be doers but don’t know how to get out of their own way and execute. You will also learn recommended tools for managing a brand, important business boundaries, what support really looks like, and some of the best practic ...
Dr. Richard Steve Mitchell’s CAPRA Approach To Problem Solving Utilizing USA’s Federal Bureau of Investigative Methodologies Dr. Richard Mitchell
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
His assignments while with CSS, had him working with residence at the Keele Street Correctional Center, located at 333 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, doing advocacy - one on one and group counselling, visitation to Black Churches within the Community, informing them of the importance of getting involve and implantation of Restorative Justice, as well working and getting exposure with Circle of Support an organization which provides support and guidance for Sex-offenders also in partnership with Correctional Service Canada, days and times appointed by his supervisor the Rev. Harry Nigh, of Toronto Community Chaplin with Correctional Service Canada. Believe it or not, the Reverend Ric ...
Dream Journal Leslie Renae
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
DUI Group Session Curriculum Series Doc Tyler
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This Group Session Curriculum Series is a collection of topics and lessons to be used in DUI and substance abuse programs, and other support or self-help group meeting sessions. It was created using a transformation and self-acceptance paradigm that encourages the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices using self-evaluation and reflection techniques and emotional competence training. The goal is to get participants to practice positive, healthy behaviors that improve all areas of life.
Dysfunctionally Satisfied: In the Workplace “Top Ten Reasons for Organizational Burnout with Proven Preventative Methods” Jesse Jackson
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
All members of the working class have experienced dysfunction in the workplace. Dysfunction in the workplace can be defined as, “interpersonal behaviors or interactions in the workplace that lead to the organization or business not working to its fullest capacity.” Dysfunction in the workplace can lead to anxiety, depression, burn-out, change of career or purpose, and in some extreme cases, suicide. “Dysfunctionally Satisfied in The Workplace” is a guide to combatting the top ten causes of dysfunction in businesses and organizations. If you are familiar with any of these following questions, it is possible that the organization to which you are affiliated with suffers from dysfunction.
Eat Pray Slay Crybaby
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Spiral Bound
Calling all cuties! This sweet paperback journal has 3-months' worth of daily journal material for you to log your thoughts, appointments, the weather, activities, and to-do lists. There are also 26 blank lined pages at the back of the book for you to use as you please (to note all your extra hot girl summer activities).
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Cuando las metas o sueños que tenemos no salen como lo esperábamos, es muy común “echarle la culpa” a las cosas que te rodean – sociedad, economía, jefes, colegas – antes de echar una mirada a nosotros mismos. Muy a menudo solemos pensar que las cosas que nos suceden son cosas que no podemos controlar: los políticos que no sirven, la economía que está dura, el trabajo que no se consigue, la gente que nos tiene envidia… y así nos pasamos la vida creando una lista interminable de cosas que “nos pasan” sin detenernos por un instante a pensar si, tal vez, nosotros nos hemos sumido en las situaciones que nos han traído los resultados que tenemos. Y es que, aunque no lo creas, gran parte – p ...
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
El éxito, contrario a lo que muchos piensan, no es un camino recto; sino más bien una senda bastante sinuosa, llena de altos y bajos a través de los cuales nos vamos conociendo. Dentro del maratón de la vida que nos lleva a sondear todas las posibilidades para alcanzar el éxito personal y profesional, nos podemos topar entonces con una serie de técnicas terapéuticas muy sencillas y fáciles de aplicar en nosotros mismos que nos permitirán poder comenzar a reprogramar nuestra mente para ver las oportunidades de éxito y riqueza. Como parte de mi serie de libros de crecimiento personal dedicados a desbloquear el poder de tu subconsciente y enfocados en la reprogramación y reaprendizaje de ...
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
En este libro te invito a comprobar lo que la física cuántica puede hacer por tu vida, por tu éxito y el logro de tus metas, simplemente al entender y aplicar estos nuevos principios que transformaran tu vida para siempre. En este libro, encontrarás la descripción de muchos experimentos científicos que se realizaron hace ya muchos años, y otros que se realizaron en años recientes. Muchos de los experimentos son increíblemente sorprendentes, y algunos son tan impresionantes, que para los científicos que los descubrieron eran difíciles de creer; aunque los resultados estaban frente a sus ojos. Vive una vida sin límites abriendo tu mente a las posibilidades!

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