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All books using the keywords: Rose Whaley

Why 2 ? Rose Whaley
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
WORDS for the WISE, YOU are the ONE! are you truly READY now to WAKE UP and OWN your COSMIC POWERFUL SELF-2 Timothy 1:7) You must go BEYOND all false MINDS programming BELIEFS for TRUE SELF EMPOWERMENT DIVINE GUIDANCES to KNOWING, YES YOU CAN REMOVE what is BLOCKING YOU! Rose focus on your specific Spirit/Soul needs to get to the UNCONSCIOUS ROOT of what we call PROBLEMS for SELF REALIZATION, DIVINE POWER, She share hers and others fearful, healing painful true life stories that anyone can relate to with healing techniques, affirmations, prayers, inspiring quotes, meditation, clarity, innerstanding of what happen to you and why, what lessons you are here to learn/remember and many resou ...