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All books using the keywords: Phillip W. Dyer

Goe Thy Way or Tennessee Squirrel For Breakfast Phillip W. Dyer
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Size: 4.25" x 6.87"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781956964080
Goe Thy Way, or Tennessee Squirrel for Breakfast, is a humorous gastronomical look back at days gone by in rural West Tennessee. Chocked full of classic Southern food and wine recipes, this book will become indispensable to the budding country kitchen. The author reflects on a wide range of memorable subject matter from local customs and culinary turf wars, to moon-shining, squirrel hunting, whole hog barbequing, and a way of life that is becoming more elusive with each passing day. This book will also serve the home vintner well as it literally contains a Bible on making homemade wine. For readers from West Tennessee and beyond, this one is sure to please!