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All books using the keywords: Leana de Leon

Fatewriter Leana de Leon
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Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890900425
"I want him to live. I've never felt such a stronger emotion grip me. The thought rattles around noisily in my head, but I can't think of anything else besides the fact that I want this boy to live. And I have the power for him to live. For a little longer at the very least. So with shaky hands that I quickly steady, I delete the 'the end' at the bottom of his written fate and begin typing." Viri is a member of AFTERLIFE, the society of souls that manage the mortal plane after their number of lives are done being lived out, meaning her memories are supposed to be gone. Except they aren't. Armed with fragments of her past, Viri changes the fate of her still-alive beloved, only to fi ...