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All books using the keywords: Kelly Kennedy

Lymphatic F.L.O.W: Elevate Lymph, Raise Vibration, and Open Your Heart to Obtain True Wellness Kelly Kennedy
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890901859
"Lymphatic F.L.O.W." is a captivating exploration of the lymphatic system's pivotal role in achieving optimal health and overall well-being. Within these pages, Kelly Kennedy, affectionately known as the "lymph queen," delves deep into the profound influence of the lymphatic system on our physical, emotional, and energetic states. With a compelling focus on maintaining alignment with the natural flow of life, Kelly presents readers with a transformative journey through seven practical steps. These steps not only enhance the functionality of the lymphatic system but also elevate energy levels and raise one's vibrational frequency. Readers will discover the secrets to activating thei ...