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All books using the keywords: Esquire Publications

¿Quieres transcender? Identificar y desarrollar la fuerza para tu temperamento Esquire Publications
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Si usted quieres Transcender, identifique y desarrolle las fortalezas de su temperamento. Cada persona nace con su propio temperamento. La conciencia humana esta dividida en dos partes. Una parte contiene la conciencia de lo que es bueno y saludable. El lado opuesto contiene la conciencia de lo que es malo y destructivo. El temperamento es motivado en la conciencia. En el lado positivo habitan las fortalezas y los atributos, mientras que en el lado del mal habitan las debilidades y la ilicitudes del temperamento. Por lo tanto, el camino hacia el exito consiste en identificar y desarrollar las fortalezas. En este libro el doctor Polanco, guia al lector al conocimiento de las característic ...
A Family Divided Esquire Publications
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This is a story that lifts the veil and shows you a glimpse of what an Irish family underwent as immigrants. Aspiring to live the American Dream, rivalry between a father and son find themselves on divided lines, fighting for the beliefs and foundation of a country they view from different perspectives and hard truths.
A Poet's Cry: The Pariah Project Esquire Publications
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Journey with Kevin Maxson as he takes you on a high in this uncompromised narrative that meditates on love, family, and relationships through the art of his spoken words.
Heaven's Bouquet: Planted and Picked by God Esquire Publications
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
When someone loses a loved one, sadness, bitterness, confusion, and frustration are common emotions. Dealing with the loss can often take a toll on the living because we are left behind with only memories. Death, the final stage in our journey of life is inevitable, yet we still fear this final step. However, with God's guidance and understanding we can come to terms with our loss and ultimately accept it because there is no other alternative. We are all like flowers—we start from a seed, and with proper care and nurturing we grow to become a beautiful flower. Everything under the sun has a season; a flower is here for a short time, and after it has served its purpose, it passes away jus ...
My Inner Voice Esquire Publications
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Journey with the author as she shares...My Inner Voice - things I wish I had said. These poems discuss cheating, heart break, parenthood and the things we all experience in life. Women are taught to be ladies and not make waves. I grew up wanting to be liked by everyone, a people pleaser. These are the things I should have said. Words I kept locked inside. Welcome to the real me and my inner voice.
Who AM I Esquire Publications
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Steve Onicas Gaddis was number 10 of 12 children born to his mother, Mattie. He was placed into foster care at an early age, along with three other siblings. Conditions in his first foster home were appalling. Most can only imagine living with constant whippings, starvation, and scrounging for scraps thrown outside for the dogs. After several attempts to take his own life, Onicas was taken from the home. "If my story saves one person that ages out of the foster care system from a life of crime, drugs, etc..., then what I went through will be worth it." - Onicas