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All books using the keywords: Cynthia Tosh

And Winter Came Cynthia Tosh
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.25" x 6"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781732369153
A story about a robot running into a grieving child who lost their dog. The boy shares some cherished memories and how some don’t understand why he’s being sad and doing certain things. The robot expresses an empathetic understanding, but also admiration about how the child can experience seasons and live. He describes the beauty and honesty in the changing seasons and if nothing else feels understandable or can stay counted on the seasons changing can. He tells a story of what happened to him and how winter came and it snowed and all was right and true again. A story about seasons, the earth’s rotation, love, life, and the grief process. How the best things in life are free and the most ...