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All books using the keywords: Lori Plegge

Well, Butter My Butt & Call Me a Biscuit Lori Plegge
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781329198678
This cookbook has 6 generations of good ole Southern family recipes in it. I grew up eating REAL food, not FAST FOOD and I wanted to share those foods with the world. I wanted this cookbook to represent the south so I included some other things as well. There are cute meal in a jar and gift in a jar recipes, as well as Dutch oven recipes and recipes for canning. We can't forget the children so I have made a special section just for them, "Kid's Corner." If you like homemade ice cream, homemade pies, homemade biscuits, fried okra, black eye peas, and turnip greens, then you will LOVE this cookbook. It also has recipes for squirrel, rabbit, frog legs, bear, venison, road kill, et ...