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All books using the keywords: Ian Schrauth

Vacillating Brown and Black: Vol. 1 - 3 Ian Schrauth
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798868963421
2014. Tammy Louis navigates the complexities of teenage life, seemingly ordinary with her shopping sprees and an extensive collection of seventy-two bottles of fingernail polish. However, her world takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious newcomer named Justin Brown enters her life. Tammy finds herself captivated by Justin's allure, yet she can't shake off her curiosity about Mitch Black, the enigmatic and unconventional outsider. The choices she must make go beyond the typical teenage dilemmas, delving into the depths of her heart and challenging her notions of love and happiness. As Tammy faces this pivotal decision, her journey unfolds, exposing the inner conflicts and ...