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1...2...3... Breathe, Bumble Bee! Lea Carranza
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.25" x 6"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798765567609
Bumble Bee is buzzing around, looking for help to calm their uncomfy feelings. Through a journey where they can open up and ask questions, Bumble Bee learns how to face their feelings and use “1...2...3... Breathe, Bumble Bee” when “worry-thoughts” come up to make them feel calm again. Bumble Bee learns that it is okay to feel scared sometimes because no one is okay all of the time. Bumble Bee finds that they have had the power to control their body and emotions by learning how to really breathe.
A Man's Plight 6 Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798803620266
Patrick is a young man who has gone through and experienced so much in his life. He’s finally at a place where he’s no longer listening to what the world tells him and he goes into therapy. He opens his mind and heart up to a therapist named Dr. Steven Grand. Patrick starts to share a lot of what he deals with daily in his life along with his childhood that has led to where he is currently. As Patrick begins sharing some of the deepest thoughts of his life, Dr. Steven Grand gives insight into how his childhood has affected him as an adult. Patrick not only begins to learn about himself and who he is, but his way of thinking and how certain childhood events and experiences have shaped ...
A Woman's Worth 1 (Book 1 of 6) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798789704042
Brenda is a young, pregnant woman who is in her most exciting time of her life. Brenda and her husband are having a baby girl and the journey through pregnancy is shared from finding out to having birth. Brenda pens her ups, downs, struggles of pregnancy all while preparing for motherhood mentally, physically, and emotionally. It isn’t until after she has her daughter that she experiences what so many women in this world go through….postpartum depression. While this can happen before and during pregnancy, it’s a topic that isn’t discussed enough in today’s world and Brenda shares her experience and how she got through it. The start to a series of social issues women face, postpartum depr ...
A Woman's Worth 2 (Book 2 of 6) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798798222285
Lisa is pregnant and having her first child. While this should be the most exciting time of her life, it unfortunately isn’t. She’s sharing her journey not just through pregnancy but of her journey to get maternity leave, have enough time to spend with her newborn child, figure out her finances and start her journey as a mother. Her time is spent more of how much time she will have off and will have to make a big decision when it comes time to return back to the work world. Maternity leave is imperative to a woman, her needs and the United States is one of the worst nations in the world in regards to this. This story delves deep into this, how other countries are ahead of this and how ch ...
A Woman's Worth 4 (Book 4 of 6) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798798242085
Women’s mental health is a topic that gets discussed but not enough in today’s world. Patricia is someone who is on the path to becoming a better woman and not caving into the pressures of what the world wants her to be. She chronicles her story as a recovering alcohol addict and her story starts from childhood all the way to the present day. Her struggles, home life and how she got to becoming an alcohol addict along with recovering. It’s not an easy journey and sometimes we don’t know what women are going through mentally, emotionally and spiritually until we sit and listen to their stories. Everyone has a story, it’s just a matter of whether we’re empathetic enough to listen...
A Woman's Worth 5 (Book 5 of 6) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798798249428
Sylvia is a licensed therapist where she helps women recover from their tragic events in their lives. The only difference is, she’s spending her days helping women recover from domestic violence relationships and marriages. Through their permission, she shares the stories of some of her clients that she’s helped, treated and gotten through their struggles. The stories aren’t easy to tell, hear and listen to but she knows that she’s making the world a better place. Sylvia also shares some components to her life that inspire her to become a therapist in helping people heal from their pain. While domestic violence in relationships and marriages are high, now it becomes the question of w ...
Become A PIMP GOD - How To Become The Man Women Want & The Mack She Needs: Subtle Mind Manipulation, Dating & Relationships Advice The Professor Of Pimpology
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“She has to look at you like God. If she can touch God whenever and make God do whatever she wants, you’re not God anymore to her.” -“The” Pimp God (Warren B) A Pimp God is a critical thinker, a strategist, a female architect and a man who knows women. A Pimp God is a light onto the world and those who witness his light follow him everywhere like a moth to a flame. The art of communication, subtle suggestion and the mastery of masculine energy is a timeless art form, and only a man who wants to be superior to other men and admired by countless women is worthy of the Pimp God title. A Pimp God possesses very general, specific and subtle techniques that help him keep the leadership r ...
Behind The Blue: Assessing Stress, Life Satisfaction & Counseling Utilization in Police Officers Dr. Mary Allen
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Given the current conditions of our police climate and the civil unrest we have witnessed within the past year, this book will provide glimmers of insight and information that may be helpful in understanding the levels and type of stress police officers experience on a daily basis along with recommendations for future considerations.
Coping Through Grief Sierra S. Ellis, LCSW
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Do you know what is best and worst to say to a grieving person? Are you aware of the unspoken impact of grief in society? Losing someone you love hurts. Grieving is not a disease. It is a necessity that follows no clear pattern. Grief isn’t an illness that needs to be treated, fixed, or cured. Instead, it empowers individuals to open themselves up to allow the normal and natural responses to loss … to thrive in their own personal sense of new normalcy. Discover ways to empower yourself today.
Desafiando el Síndrome de Asperger D. Mauricio Rojas Justiniano
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885679565
Este libro es una herramienta valiosa para cualquier padre o educador que esté buscando una guía clara y concisa sobre cómo enseñar a niños diagnosticados con el síndrome de Asperger. El libro proporciona numerosas tácticas efectivas que han sido probadas en diferentes áreas de la educación psicopedagógica y que crean el ambiente óptimo para el aprendizaje del niño. Las tácticas presentadas en este libro han sido desarrolladas cuidadosamente para ayudar al niño a sentirse seguro y confiado en un entorno de aprendizaje. Cuando se aplican adecuadamente por los maestros, estas tácticas crean un ambiente de apoyo que puede ayudar al niño a desarrollar sus habilidades y alca ...

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