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Crimson Hue Boxer Moon
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 4.25" x 6.87"
Binding: Perfect Bound
A story revealed in poetic fashion which entails the peace that exists with all occurrences. Through every experience a harmonious balance transpires between man and wildlife. An attempt to enlighten the unexplained with grace and love is evident throughout Crimson Hue. The passion of one can encourage religious awakenings in the masses.The art presented throughout the poem expresses a sentiment of tranquility. Boxer along with his wife and children contribute to each story with writing, art,revision and production.
Pieces of My Heart Leah Lonsdale
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781645500285
Pieces of My Heart is a collection of original prose and poetry, paired with one-of-a-kind photos and artwork. My prose is motivational, somewhat of an epiphany to open your eyes and take in the life around you. A couple of the pieces dive into my soul, revealing more of my core. My poetry is about love, heartbreak, and finding the pieces of your soul after enduring life’s pains. It is not always sunshine and happiness, the dark corners of my mind came out ever so slightly in a few pieces.
Ready! Set! Shoot! By Nadeen Flynn
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
Ready! Set! Shoot! explains the basics of photography for the beginner. It covers the foundations of achieving correct exposure, items of photography, camera modes, exposure, choosing the right settings, metering, white balance, rules of basic composition, an explanation of the histogram, and other topics. There are visuals to support the concepts that are explained. This is a must for the beginning photographer who wants to learn to take control of their dslr, get off auto, and shoot in manual.
The Mr. Get Right Show Presents The Best Of Both Worlds Jovi Get Right Moore
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781648589928
Who knew growing up with your parents would be one of the best experiences? Certain things you don’t realize until your an adult. You don’t realize how much your mother truly loves you and wants you to stay out of trouble. Understanding that you can’t blame someone for not knowing how to be a father due to him being a child himself, but hold him accountable. Then forgiving YOURSELF for all the dumb accidents and mistakes you’ve made in life. The Best of Both Worlds.
Twisted Mind John King
Books with a 5 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Sink back into your favorite chair with whiskey in hand, a candle burning bright, and your dogs at your feet. Journey into secret lands few will ever see. Kill for love, seek gold below jagged cliffs and receive a call from a being out in distant space. Twisted Mind is a book full of artistic cartoons and creative stories, most of them true. At eight years old I realized my mind was not healthy. I kept this secret most of my life fearing I would have to take drugs or live in a straight jacket if I ever mentioned it. Although there were some hard times I believe being "off" might have helped my creativity. I don't suffer from mental illness anymore.. I rather enjoy it. Excerpt fr ...
Under The Stars: Part 2 L.A.M.D.E.N.
Books with a 5 star rating(10)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Under the Stars Part 2 is the first in a series of 2 books, making it also the first book by the overlord Lamden.
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