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Adventure > Historical

Indian Summer Cynthia Macall
Books with a 2 star rating(2)
Size: 5.06" x 7.81"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Set in Comstock Nevada, 1863, the story of a wealthy, powerful, seductress, lady of the night, who's charming character invited warmth, passion, violence, and mystery stands up to life's sometimes wild, cruel, intentions like love, and honesty, adventure and politics. Miss Ruby’s intellectual tale of the worlds oldest trade has an amazing storyline told from the heart of the Comstock lode just below Virginia City during one of the most important mining discoveries in American History. She had child like features that contradicted her voluptuous chest and rounded curves that revealed her distinct, well-rounded, bottom that followed her. Every man in Dayton knew it was Ruby from beh ...
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