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EMBER T.H. Luckinbill
Books with a 1 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637902899
I am ash. I am dust. I'm what's left from a fire that burned so completely, there seems no need to put it out. And deep down in that pile of ash, that pile of charred remains, a glowing ember burns intently. That is my core, that ember. It is the fight in me, and it feels stronger every minute. Tell me, what would you do for your family? To what ends would you go to ensure they remained safe? My name is Ember now, and I'll do the unthinkable, and maybe the unforgivable, to protect my family and my team. Just stand back and watch the fireworks as I show you my new world.
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