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Mystery & Crime > Detective Fiction

Adventures at Willow Bend Farm Maisie Ritzenthaler and Karley Spangenberg
Books with a 4 star rating(6)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Come join adventurous Johanna and daring Megan on a journey they’ll never forget. It all starts when Elsie mysteriously disappears while taking a stroll in the woods. Suddenly, the national bank is robbed and three more of the sisters go missing! Their French teacher seems to be hiding a secret too, and what about her brother that is always lurking about in the woods? Those intriguing questions run through their minds…. “Who is the culprit?” “Will they ever get rescued?” To find out… come on a thrilling adventure to Willow Bend farm! A fun thrilling read for all ages!
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