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Fantasy > Epic Fantasy

An Uncommon Circle Kendra Cole
Books with a 3 star rating(3)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Pain. It is perhaps one of the few things that unites peoples across all time and through every world. But one lovely girl, Ashe, has endured pain beyond comprehension. Out of this dark experience, though, she becomes the only human alive with the power to control the Myst. Ashe, along with her sister Miriam, must use her knowledge to rescue the Kingdom of Nivec from complete and utter decimation. But they cannot work alone. As the elven prophecy foretells, an uncommon circle must come together. Who will join this circle to fight against evil? “The world clashes, the Myst is caught, and an uncommon circle saves the Earth.”
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