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Science Fiction & Fantasy

Dialeson; or, The Post-Modern Prometheus Rick Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885675031
"Thrilling, funny, and just a bit creepy…” -Editor Pat Sherman “An episodic journey following the lives of several strangers and some old friends put into mortal peril. Raw and surreal. Will read again.” -Reviewer Tom J. Follow the story of Colin the alchemist, Jack the detective, and the mysterious Magician as their paths become intrinsically intertwined. A real, novel story using SF-style storytelling mixed with modern-day fantasy, describing the struggles of several beautiful people faced with the classic prospect of an impending Judgement Day. What is real? What is fake? That’s usually up to the reader to decide.
Reflections in a Crystal Gator Head Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Reflections in a Crystal Gator Head" represents yet another compendium of all that is the uncanny beauty and strangeness of Florida, both contemporary and historical. Haunted brothels, fortune tellers, contractor assholes, Skunk Apes, sentient spacecraft, and a letter to a mermaid are just a few of the oddities to be found in this collection of interconnected stories: "The Giddy Leper," "Dead On," "Bastard Etiquette," "Noise Party, "Chuyote Tacqueria Rendezvous," "Missive to a Mermaid," "Arnoldsville," "The Dogtrot Expedition," "Cryptocalypse," and "The Tiki Lounge at the End of Time." Volume 24 of The Whisanant Mythos.
Wigglers Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781387050352
Private Investigator Doyce Whisanant is drawn into a strange, seething underworld of alien farming communes, wrestling evangelists and chainsaw castrations. A prequel to Doyce's adventures in “Book Bastard,” “Wigglers” is a psychedelic journey into the fevered mind of our intrepid, opinionated hero along his trek into the South's weirdest subcultures. Volume Two of the Whisanant Mythos.
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