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The World in 2030 A.D.

The World in 2030 A.D. cover image
The World in 2030 A.D. cover image The World in 2030 A.D. cover image The World in 2030 A.D. cover image
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by: Roy Pitchford
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: June 4, 2017
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 116
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
From the Preface:
It is the purpose of the Essays which follow to attempt a series of speculative predictions dealing with the possible development of the world during the next hundred years.

If one looks back a hundred years and so looking compares the world of that day with the world of to-day, one becomes almost equally conscious of the equal risk of under-estimating and of over-estimating the developments which lie in front of us.

That man only is wise who does not dogmatise and who proclaims nothing impossible.
[W]ith whatever reputation as a prophet I emerge from the publication of these Essays, one thing may certainly be predicted—that I am unlikely to witness either the vindication or the confusion of my vaticinatory efforts. And it is almost equally improbable that anyone, however young, who reads this book on its publication, will live to be old enough either to acclaim or to deride its conclusions.
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