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The Reanimation of Mouse

The Reanimation of Mouse cover image
The Reanimation of Mouse cover image The Reanimation of Mouse cover image The Reanimation of Mouse cover image
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by: Matt Bell
Books with a 5 star rating  (11)
Publication Date: November 12, 2021
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 66
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781637903292

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Book Synopsis

. Tyndall Grove is an outstanding artist, one who has a secret gift. Her illustrations can come to life for two minutes! She decides to share this magic with students in an art therapy class. The problem: Dude Monster Jones. Ever since his baseball dreams were stolen from him, dark animations have been terrorizing the city, and they last far longer than two minutes. What follows is a war of living art. This tale of betrayal, forgiveness, and acceptance is one that will be tattooed on you forever.
Customer Comments

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Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 0 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 0 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 0 star rating
A young artist helps inspire her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer, with lots of love, sympathy (and a little magic !) She helps them learn how to deal with their pain and painful emotions through their art,and by working together to help and support each other. There's also some lessons about the power of love and forgiveness in this story . I found it quite uplifting .A good read for any young person. Or anyone else,for that matter!
Posted: January 23, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
A young artist inspires her younger charges in their individual and collective fights against cancer. She helps them learn how to express themselves and channel their many varying emotions and pain through their art, and by working together to support and help each other. There are lessons about love and forgiveness (and more than a little bit of magic!) A great story for younger readers (or anyone else,for that matter!)
Sarah Clark
Posted: January 24, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
WOW! What a creative and passionate story. I was entertained, I was moved, I was inspired. I am blown away by the creativity and am crying over the images that have forever been drawn in my mind. I highly recommend this short story for any young reader.

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