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The Odyssey of Me

The Odyssey of Me cover image
The Odyssey of Me cover image The Odyssey of Me cover image The Odyssey of Me cover image
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by: Karen Teich Cluster
Books with a 1 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: March 10, 2015
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 264
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781633185500

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Book Synopsis
I have had a wonderful life so far! I was raised in the military and got to travel, and to live in Europe for 3 years and travel to 10 different countries. At the age of 15 I was stricken with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in both knees, which put an end to my very physical life. I finally had a horse, for 4 months before getting the JRA, and had to sell her, as I was in the hospital 6 times that 1st summer. I have subsequently had 18 surgeries for various problems, and I have learned to live with what I have. This book chronicles most of my life so far: the pain, the goodness, the loves in my life, and the heartaches. I also have a section dedicated to our Military Veterans, as I mentioned being an Army brat, and the vets are very near and dear to my heart (as ALL out troops are). I've had ups and downs, and learned to pick myself back up and power ahead to the next obstacle! I thank God for the talent he has given me to write poetry, hoping to help others with the same.
Customer Comments
Posted: July 4, 2015
Customer comment 1 star rating
Book isn't worth the price. Don't waste your money. 16.95 plus shipping is took much.
About The Author
Author bio image
Karen Teich Cluster has been writing since winning an essay contest in the 6th grade. She currently lives on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay, Alabama. Other than writing she also loves spending time with her family, browsing flea markets, reading, working on art projects, and enjoing being so close to her kids and grandkids. She is also currently working on Volume II of The Odyssey of Me.