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The New Slavery

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The New Slavery cover image The New Slavery cover image The New Slavery cover image
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by: Ray Cziczo
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Publication Date: June 26, 2015
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 80
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781633188235

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Book Synopsis
Slavery has existed in the past in and exists today in virtually every part of the world. Servitude can be either voluntary or involuntary. Dictators and tyrants can impose their will against the will of the people. Some people choose servitude because it brings a sense of comfort, certainty, and stability.
It is the ability to acquire and retain property that enables people to attain and maintain independence in the career they chose, where they live, the number of children they can nurture and support, the type and size of the home they can afford, the car they drive, the food they eat, and the clothes they wear. It also ensures their ability to accumulate savings, enabling them to provide for their retirement.
But the paradigm of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility experienced a radical change with the advent of the Progressive Party, the New Deal, the Great Society, and our most recent National Transformation. We have allowed Government to become our new religion and our President the new god.
Slavery can take many forms. The metal chains that once bound people to their owners have been replaced with the symbolic chains of welfare that bind people to Federal, State, and Local governments. It is entitlements that have become the New Slavery.
The chains of dependency that shackle us to big government are chains that we have put on ourselves. We have the ability, if not the desire, to remove those chains and to once again breathe the air that only free men can breathe but Freedom requires courage and sacrifice.
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