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The Jonny Tree

The Jonny Tree cover image
The Jonny Tree cover image The Jonny Tree cover image The Jonny Tree cover image
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by: Michael Della Donna
Books with a 5 star rating  (2)
Publication Date: December 22, 2017
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 167
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781642548679

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Book Synopsis
When the proprietor of the Peacekeeper Inn, a charming Inn in the valley of North Carolina, discovers a sapling with one white flower blooming from it on the steps along with the morning papers, she immediately develops a fondness for the plant. After planting the fragile tree on the property, she takes special care in nourishing it as it rapidly grows skyward. In the interim, she learns the intricate details of the assorted brightly colored flowers that it can produce at will, usually at the insistence of Miss Mary. Having the ability to manipulate the Jonny Tree, a moniker she had given to the tree in honor of her deceased brother, allowed her to control individuals with the magical scents that the blooms delivered. The only real question was who was controlling who?
Customer Comments
Posted: March 15, 2018
Customer comment 5 star rating
WOW! Very entertaining book, well written. Captured my imagination in a way I didn't think possible.
Posted: March 29, 2018
Customer comment 5 star rating
Extremely well written in a manner synonymous with some of the better known fantasy/horror writers. Intertwining the peaceful setting of a North Caroline Inn with the notion of reincarnation was handled skillfully. I was pleasantly surprised by the author's ability to place me inside the Inn, getting me to 'feel' the real threat of the strange goings-on.
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