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The Athletic-Hero: Transcendence, Freedom & Flourishing - Volume I: Emergence

The Athletic-Hero: Transcendence, Freedom & Flourishing - Volume I: Emergence cover image
The Athletic-Hero: Transcendence, Freedom & Flourishing - Volume I: Emergence cover image The Athletic-Hero: Transcendence, Freedom & Flourishing - Volume I: Emergence cover image The Athletic-Hero: Transcendence, Freedom & Flourishing - Volume I: Emergence cover image
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by: Dr. Jordan B. Goldstein
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: January 6, 2021
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 207
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
Use history's power to aim at your highest potential
Be the hero in a world of victims

Give back your participation trophies and step into the world of athletic legends

Sport Historian Dr. Goldstein reveals history's secrets to provide powerful lessons you can use to better your life and community

This isn't your the typical boring academic book

You know the kind where even the author falls asleep after ten pages

Dr. Goldstein's writing is easy to read, entertaining, and actionable

Why bother writing it?

There's a general weakness in our culture today

Weak thinkers, weak bodies, and weak souls

Weakening traditions, weakening communities, and weakening societies

It's apparent in the cheapening of sport, the obesity epidemic, and the destruction of Western history and tradition

The ideas in this book are the powerful tonic needed to turn weakness into strength

What's it about?
Inspired by thinkers like Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and curious questioners like Joe Rogan, Dr. Gold
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