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Rosebud, Bloom

Rosebud, Bloom cover image
Rosebud, Bloom cover image Rosebud, Bloom cover image Rosebud, Bloom cover image
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by: Jenn "Rosebud" Lednum
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: March 9, 2022
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 183
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
No rain, no flowers. Everyone experiences pain, loss, trauma, misfortunes, and flat out bad luck. But how we embrace each other and help shelter one another from the storm, has a huge impact on what kind of garden blooms from seeds planted. Some people live their whole lives in pure darkness, never getting the chance to ever see light other than the slivers of sunbeams through the cracks in the locked door. Others have never known anything other than sunshine and the truest of love and laughter. Knowing how to love both kinds of people exactly the same, is a gift I hope to teach the world how to possess and share until everyone on the planet leads with love instead of judgement. Not only for people to love one another like it's second nature, but for those who are suffering to know that there are flowers ahead - not always disastrous storms of acidic rain and cactus fields. You aren't broken or hard to love. You are fearfully & wonderfully made. Masterpieces take time.
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