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Puppets Are People Too

Puppets Are People Too cover image
Puppets Are People Too cover image Puppets Are People Too cover image Puppets Are People Too cover image
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by: Trevor J. Nacey
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Publication Date: September 6, 2019
Book Size: 4.25" x 6.87"
Pages: 203
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
In a world segregated between humans and puppets, a caring yet reticent mother discovers that her daughter has stood up for a puppet and her destiny and mindset changes forever. Especially when she meets a puppet dancer and find herself forced to provide him sanctuary after he escapes from his master.
But when she does, she starts to form a bond with the dancer as she starts to discover the atrocities of humanity to the puppet race, as an incoming war with a Puppet-led China looms closer and closer, and as a possible Puppet Rights Movement threatens to change an entire planet's history and morality forever.
This pocketbook edition of "Puppets Are People Too" contains a brand new cover, foreword, and new improved visuals by Dallin Case, self-published author of "The Demons of Elmer Wormwood"!
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