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Psychology 202: Parenting, Behavioral Patterns, & a General Insight into the Human Mind.

Psychology 202: Parenting, Behavioral Patterns, & a General Insight into the Human Mind. cover image
Psychology 202: Parenting, Behavioral Patterns, & a General Insight into the Human Mind. cover image Psychology 202: Parenting, Behavioral Patterns, & a General Insight into the Human Mind. cover image Psychology 202: Parenting, Behavioral Patterns, & a General Insight into the Human Mind. cover image
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by: Ben Swetmore
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: August 16, 2023
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 61
Binding: Spiral Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
In this book, somewhat of a continuation of a previous working by Author Ben Swetmore, we delve into the landscape of the human-mind, and notably the various strange ways in which it functions, its complexity is enormous, and the human brain functions in a multitude of different patterns, in a more complex fashion than anything else known to nature on this world (But, is this always a good thing?). Join us as we learn a good number of some of the most common behavioral patterns/groupings to be found within modern-day society, in addition to exploring other things such as Parenting, (Specifically proper ways of raising children, and proper-discipline), and dispelling the common myths surrounding Disorders vs. Diseases.
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About The Author
The Author of this book, Ben Swetmore, is an experienced writer who has written various books. He is best known for creating "The Ben Book" franchise, a series of books in which he and his friends appear, as fictionalized versions of themselves. Swetmore has also written books on various other topics, in both fiction and non-fiction, including but not limited to History, Science, and Celebrities. He has also written multiple non-fiction book series, Evolution, a series of picture-books showing the advancement of certain technologies throughout time, a two volume series on the history and customs of Christmas, and additionally a three volume series discussing the history of his hometown. Other examples of Swetmore's miscellaneous writings include scientific papers on topics regarding and speculating upon the history of the universe, and other such fundamental principles of nature.
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