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Parkinson's Disease Poetry

Parkinson Parkinson Parkinson
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by: Mark S. LeDoux
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: May 9, 2018
Book Size: 8" x 10"
Pages: 98
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781642546590

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Book Synopsis
Parkinson's Disease Poetry is a collection of poems and associated biographical sketches from patients with Parkinson's disease, family and friends of patients with Parkinson's disease, and physicians caring for patients with Parkinson's disease. The poems range from funny to poignant and cover the spectrum of disease manifestations from tremor and falls to drooling and dermatitis. This book is the perfect gift for patients, their family members, and healthcare providers. The poems and biosketches were lightly edited by Mark S. LeDoux, MD, PhD. Dr. LeDoux is a neurologist and scientist with subspecialty expertise in Parkinson's disease and other movement and neurodegenerative disorders. Proceeds from sales of this book will be used to support research in the LeDoux laboratory.
Customer Comments
Posted: May 13, 2018
Customer comment 5 star rating
I love this book! The poems written by the patients and their spouses are so creative and entirely novel. Each poem tells a story and many of the poems are both motivational and inspirational. A fabulous collection of poetry. A must for families dealing with Parkinson's disease.