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Panther's Pause

Panther Panther Panther
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by: Ray Ball, D.V.M.
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Publication Date: February 17, 2018
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 111
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color
ISBN: 9781642548846

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Book Synopsis
This collection of stories is truly a tale of nine lives; eight Florida panthers and a roguish zoo and wildlife veterinarian as he explores the world of the Florida panther from his first hand experience. All eight individual Florida panthers have a unique story to share. In addition you get a small glimpse into the world of the Florida panther health teams as they capture wild panthers to ensure their survival. This core of wildlife biologist and veterinarians have dedicated themselves to ensure that Florida continues to have has this magnificent cat. This personal narrative hopes to teach a little about Florida panthers and the environment that they share with us, but mostly to inspire an appreciation of these magnificent animals and the small parts of Florida they call home.

This version contains color that highlight most all of the individual panthers, the experience of caring for injured panthers, and capturing them for health assess
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About The Author
Dr.Ray has been practicing zoological and wildlife medicine for 25 years. His clinical experience has included both large and small zoological institutions as well as field work with various species of wildlife. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Eckerd College, teaches at St. Petersburg College School of Veterinary Nursing and still consults with various wildlife health projects. Recently he had a a featured role in nationals Geographic's Secrets of the Zoo Tampa.
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