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Organik Seeds of Greatness: Free Yourself - The Organik Guide to Financial Freedom

Organik Seeds of Greatness: Free Yourself - The Organik Guide to Financial Freedom cover image
Organik Seeds of Greatness: Free Yourself - The Organik Guide to Financial Freedom cover image Organik Seeds of Greatness: Free Yourself - The Organik Guide to Financial Freedom cover image Organik Seeds of Greatness: Free Yourself - The Organik Guide to Financial Freedom cover image
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by: Xavier Odili
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: January 28, 2021
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 92
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781648581601

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Book Synopsis
Do you ever think about all the things that you wish people told you when you were younger that would have helped you get to a better place sooner? There is so much to learn about money management, retirement saving, and financial planning, if you try to teach yourself, you might be old enough to retire before you learn it all. What if there was a way to gather the highlights of that info in one place so that you could learn how to be richer right now? Fortunately for you, everything you need to know to become a millionaire and financially free is summarized right here.
This is not a simple overview of how to get wealthy written by somebody who was born into wealth. We don’t come from money. We started from the bottom and we have written down what we’ve learned along the way so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes. Real advice from real people who started from the bottom and rose to the top. Combine your determination & drive with our knowledge and the sky is the limit!
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