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Notes From Flake Harbor

Notes From Flake Harbor cover image
Notes From Flake Harbor cover image Notes From Flake Harbor cover image Notes From Flake Harbor cover image
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by: Tony Arnold
Books with a 5 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: August 26, 2022
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 188
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
Join Doyce Whisanant, Jerry Satterwhite and a host of other boisterous, hilarious smoking men as they gather inside one of Florida's remaining old school cigar stores for stories, laughter and the occasional puff of ribald wisdom. Printed on glossy stock, featuring over 100 original full-color illustration plates. Volume thirty of the Whisanant Mythos.
Customer Comments
Posted: August 29, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
The murderous intent of the carpetbaggers continues as the bankster bayonet from the astro-agrarian sun worshippers, attempting to globally get rid of the spawn while the double agent Royalty is lurking behind the Wizard's curtains, gambling on the outcome. Gas chamber suffragettes sell horror-candy, and want a shot at patriarchy. If sob stories were valid claims, then a nagging hag would own the world: that is not the case. The feminist land-run presupposes that patriarchy has been placed into redskin reservations, and as it was hard to steal the Christmas spirit, the lunatic fringe attempted to do so by infiltrating the astro-agrarian sun worshippers. When nothing makes sense, then lunatics posing as wolves in sheepskin can mold the mind: this is the story of Scientonomy. Read this book!
Posted: November 27, 2022
Customer comment 0 star rating
“A ribald, gonzo reality trip exposing a new Dean Moriarty archetype, a crop spawned by the impossible lunacy, half-truth and twisted illusion that is the world of today. The isolated, satisfied rebel, whose cargo of contentment is a flippant disregard and middle finger to the absolute, shit house rat-crazies that comprise the whole of the American left”.
David Wolfe
Posted: November 27, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
"Perhaps never before in the history of literature has the trite pettiness and idiosyncratic blur of the American female been so accurately depicted in the written word!" -Basement Kahuna, Builder of drinking environments
About The Author
Author bio image
Tony Arnold is the cryptonym under which internationally recognized science/travel writer and Tiki Misanthropologist Dr. Crabbe Rangoon publishes his creative fiction. Serving on renowned explorer Horst von Hesselbrut's last expedition, his subsequent endeavors included procurement journeys into Asia, the South Pacific and The Dark Continent. Distinguished as the Praetor Imprimitor of the Ordinis Orientalium Nasi Templum, he serves as the Intergalactic Attache for the Temple of Scientonomy. He is formally attached to the Ruling Council of The Spear of the Just and is Chancellor of the Ministry of Truth. He holds the Regent Chair of the Knights of the Eightfold Clover, and is an internet influencer. He's a Lifetime Honorary Member of the Slack Key Recessionists, and is also a member of the Friends of the Library. Dr. Rangoon resides in a stilt home above the waters near Candor-on-Asperger, where he writes and edits for the White Devil Press, frequents Chinese restaurants, and collects Oceanic artifacts, tobacco pipes, and exotic books.
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