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Life is A Sermon: Moving From Observation to Application

Life is A Sermon: Moving From Observation to Application cover image
Life is A Sermon: Moving From Observation to Application cover image Life is A Sermon: Moving From Observation to Application cover image Life is A Sermon: Moving From Observation to Application cover image
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by: Kasin Hamilton
Books with a 4 star rating  (5)
Publication Date: December 9, 2014
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 221
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9780982698655

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Book Synopsis
Every situation in your life whether good or bad can teach you a valuable lesson. At times the best sermons aren’t "heard," the best sermons are "lived"! This book is an inspirational devotional that is full of life's sermons that will inspire you to turn life lessons in into life blessings. After reading this devotional, it will inspire you to live the life that you were created to live. God is always speaking to His creation, but we must be willing to listen to the Creator. Your Life is a Sermon that someone needs to hear! Life is a Sermon all in itself!
Customer Comments
Posted: January 14, 2015
Customer comment 4 star rating
This was truly a blessing and a great devotional. Each day of this devotional really spoke to my current situation. In addition, it was really informative and applicable to everyday situations you may be facing. I’ve never read a devotional from this perspective and creativity. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to view life and God from a different perspective. If you enjoyed "Purpose Driven Life" or "Daily Bread", you will definetly enjoy this!
Posted: January 14, 2015
Customer comment 5 star rating
Such a great read and great study material as well! I love how the scriptures are referenced throughout the book. I can apply every devotional to my life, truly a blessing and mind opener. I recommend this book for any and everyone, this book is sure to bless you! To God be the glory for Kasin's passion, anointing and creativity.
Spencer Torres
Posted: January 23, 2015
Customer comment 0 star rating
"Life is a Sermon" is a profound yet practical analysis of our day to day life experiences, and learning biblically from them. It is a heartfelt account of events that we all can relate to,and grow from through reading and studying the Bible.

Our local church has used this daily devotional as a featured bible study series and as a result, the attendance has increased by 50%! I highly recommend this book.
Lytonya Fennell-Dixon
Posted: April 9, 2015
Customer comment 5 star rating
From the introduction until the end this book is helping to heal, nourish my spirit and soul. I need to hear these words. I hope that you write another book. I am reading this book over and over each day brings me closer to my journey. I recommend this book and buy someone a copy.
Tremain Davis
Posted: April 23, 2015
Customer comment 5 star rating
Life Is A Sermon is spiritually stimulating. This book will challenge you and push you to go to the next level in Christ by helping you to evaluate where you are while inspiring you to see what you need to do in order to mature in your walk with Christ for God's glory and your good. If you are looking for a 21st century devotional that communicates God's timeless truth in a contemporary manner that will change your life, then look no further.
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