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Indie Artist Handbook

Indie Artist Handbook cover image
Indie Artist Handbook cover image Indie Artist Handbook cover image Indie Artist Handbook cover image
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by: Charles 'ChuckT' Turner
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Publication Date: February 9, 2022
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 93
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9798885671040

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Book Synopsis
With advances in technology making it easier for people to create recording studios within their homes there has been an explosion of new beginning and up and coming underground artists in the last 15 years. But many don’t know how to make money from their music or how to properly promote their music to media outlets so they find themselves creating music but not having the success that they’re seeking. This book teaches its readers how to not only do those things but also discusses how to copyright and submit music to radio stations, and it gives resources for performance venues, record deals, playlists, a detailed explanation of what royalties are, how to secure them, and more. This book is recommended for independent artists of all genres and experiences who want to know the fundamentals of how to properly and successfully manage the business side of their careers.
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About The Author
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In 2004 when I started making beats I realized that none of my friends nor I knew anyone who was an audio engineer and although many people I knew were rappers or singers they all lacked a professional and reliable engineer. So at the age of 16 I made the decision to not only pursue a career as a music producer but to also become the go-to audio engineer for recording artists, film directors, and anyone else that I know who needed audio work done.

After graduating from Oakland Technical High School I was accepted into Howard University in Washington D.C. where I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Radio, TV, & Film production with a focus in audio production. While in college I interned for different people and companies within my field to hone my audio engineering skills such as Howard University’s student radio station WHBC 830AM, Gary Drew (Raheem Devaughn’s former manager & audio engineer), & MTV. I also created a home studio and began recording music for people who I went to college with for a fee. After graduating from college, I had music that I produced featured on the show BET’s Black Carpet as well as being featured in The Source Magazine. I also moved back to the bay area after graduating where I began recording and producing music for local artists as a 2nd job. During this time I worked for different non-profit organizations teaching children how to use audio and music production software and I also worked for Academy of Art University within their music production and sound design for visual media department. After a few years of gaining more knowledge and experience as well as building my clientele, I decided that it was time to cash in on all the time and effort that I invested into learning audio engineering by opening and establishing 10,000 Hours Of Music, LLC. & Rich City Studios. While still a teenager I made a big decision for my life that I sought out with plans and goals and now as an adult I’m able to act on and achieve what I set out to do. With this book I hope to help current and future generations of artists achieve their music goals.