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I Am DYC cover image
I Am DYC cover image I Am DYC cover image I Am DYC cover image
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by: DYC
Books with a 5 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: December 13, 2017
Book Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Pages: 52
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
This book of poetry explores the early life of DYC, who turned to poetry as she encountered love, loss, domestic violence and more, while growing up in the heart of the Lower East Side.
Customer Comments
Aida Tejada
Posted: February 20, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
I absolutely loved the deep and raw writing. As a fellow NYC girl and being from a Dominican family I feel as I can truly relate to all of your poems.
Thank you for taking me back to my youth and all the awkwardness that came along with it. I too was once that girl
That loved with all her soul and had the biggest dreams; some came true and some did not. It was all a part of getting me ready for what I call life.
I applaud you for writing with your heart.
Cynthia Cartagena
Posted: August 3, 2018
Customer comment 5 star rating
DYC is an awesome read. It touches each part of life that anyone who reads it can relate. The poems are very well written. As you read each poem you can easily visualize what the author was going through each and every time. Ms. Ramos is a beautiful soul and expresses herself amazingly. Can't wait for part 2.
Rachel Cuevas
Posted: October 30, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
I really enjoyed reading I am DYC. The poems are heartfelt, well written and relatable. As a woman who grew up in a chaotic Lower East Side community; I can totally relate to the struggles and challenges of living in poverty. She had preserverance in the face of her obstacles and turned her pain into art. I’m looking forward to reading Her next book.
About The Author
Nuyorican Poet, Daisy Ramos, also known as DYC, was born in Alphabet City, the Lower East Side of Manhattan. She grew up in Mariana Bracetti housing, located directly across the street from the Nuyorican Poets Café. It was in the Nuyorican Poets Café where she fell in love with the power of words.
After graduating from the State University of New York at Buffalo, she returned to the Lower East Side to teach English in her beloved community and former high school, Seward Park.
While she may have retired after 14 years as a teacher due to the progression of her Multiple Sclerosis, DYC still has much to share in the field of education and life.