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Her Honor's Secret

Her Honor
Her Honor Her Honor Her Honor
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by: Deatrice Toney-Duncan
Books with a 5 star rating  (35)
Publication Date: March 19, 2013
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 140
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781620304297

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Book Synopsis
Khrystyna Danielle Kendrick, a beautiful Creole Louisiana Supreme Court Justice is secretly married to convicted former New Orleans Police Detective Landon Drake, who has been sentenced to 30 years in a federal penitentiary for cocaine trafficking. She will stop at nothing including extortion, bribery, blackmail, voodoo and murder of some of the most powerful men in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and DC to secure him a full pardon.
Customer Comments

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Posted: April 26, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Wow is how I have to start this review. I have read a lot of books in my time but this one was entertaining,riveting, and just damn great. From the beginning to the end end nonstop twist and turns. This was by far the sexiest most ruthless Judge you ever wanted to love to pieces. Just do not get caught in her crosshairs. I encourage all to get a good drink ,a comfortable sit, and be ready to be taken on a wild ,exciting, and treachous ride. You will not be able to put this book down. Best fiction book I have read in years. Big Screen potenial.BRAVO
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book was hot! I think this is going to one day going to be one of those weekly prime-time shows we love to watch like Scandal or Raising the Bar or something like that...this judge is not finished. The stuff that she's made of is the stuff we secretly love and I for one hope that there is a sequel to this book.
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Whew! This book is all that. Can't wait for the sequel.
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
I live in New Orleans and have a sneaking suspicion that this book says Fiction but is NOT...I think I even have figured out who most of these characters are. Whatever the case, fiction or nonfiction, I loved this book and couldn't put it down. Judge Kendrick is a woman who gets what she wants by any means necessary. Did I say I loved this book? LOL. I did.
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Great book! Haven't had time to read a book in ages, but when I heard the chattering on the street that somebody had a really hot book about the New Orleans police officer thing, I was curious and read it. It was not what I was expecting. I expected some boring account of what happened but instead from page one til the end I got caught up in the world of Khrystyna and Landon with Darren thrown in for more fire... this book was great! Geaux Girl...she definitely from New Orleans...girly do what she wanna....
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is really good. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I kept thinking it was sex, lies and murder cause it had all of that. It was a good book though.
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Good book! I love this Judge...classy but ruthless----loving but deadly----smart but she is all that.
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Wow is right! This book is fire! Hope there's a part 2.
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Forgot to do the 5 stars...sorry! But yep it's 5 stars!
Posted: April 29, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating

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About The Author
Deatrice Toney-Duncan is a freelance writer from New Orleans, LA. She is CEO of Toney and Associates, LLC ---a Paralegal Firm based in Kansas City, MO with clients across the US, specializing in all areas of legal assistance including Document Preparation, Legal Research, Arbitration, Mediation and ParaJudge Services.