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Glen Orange

Glen Orange cover image
Glen Orange cover image Glen Orange cover image Glen Orange cover image
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by: Ellen DeWitt
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: August 15, 2013
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 301
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis

At the home of great aunt, Helen Kendall Cooke, a portrait hangs on a bedroom wall. It is large and has a presence that fills the room. My aunt laughed when she introduced me to the portrait telling me that she would hang a towel over it when her grandchild stayed in the house because he was frightened by it. “This, she said, is your great, great, great grandfather, Stephen Davies.” I should admit that I did have a moment when I sympathized with her grandson. There is no unkindness in the portrait’s face; it must be the seriousness of purpose in his eyes. There was a story in that face, of that I was certain, a story that gave it reason to hang in a home after more than 145 years, instead of being relegated to some flea market or antique shop. This is a story of one image, albeit one that still has a family. It was the story rather than the image that was fading.
Topics: St. Mary Parish History, Sugar Industry in Louisiana, History of Louisiana Methodism
Customer Comments
Posted: September 25, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Fantastic document and great prose, It's family history that is wonderfully documented. Wonderful reading about the personal life of a connected family with very enlightened comments from the author. The research puts a personal life to south Louisana and a family that pioneered the farming and the introduction of the Steam Boat era. Wonderful read for anyone!!!!
About The Author
Author bio image
Ellen DeWitt lives in Moss Bluff, Louisiana and is the wife of Rev. Dr. David DeWitt, a United Methodist Minister. She has four children who have taught her that laughter around the kitchen table is as priceless as the stories told there.
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