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Definitive Guide to the Best Romantic Comedies

Definitive Guide to the Best Romantic Comedies cover image
Definitive Guide to the Best Romantic Comedies cover image Definitive Guide to the Best Romantic Comedies cover image Definitive Guide to the Best Romantic Comedies cover image
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by: Rachel Bhalla
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: December 4, 2020
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 50
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 7177177177170

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Book Synopsis
The siren call of romantic comedies is so alluring, but such a dangerous game. What if you get an hour into a movie only to find out that the main character has an affair with her possible father (Rumor Has It) or you tune into your mother's fave teen flick to be subjected to horrifying portrayals of racism and dating violence (Sixteen Candles)? Well, worry no more! With the third edition of her critically-acclaimed bestseller, author Kirsten Wolfford takes the "freak" out of Freak Friday to give you the official guide to navigating rom coms.

With never before seen rankings and an exclusive foreword by Kate Barry, this book is a must-have for anyone who likes to cozy up with a glass of wine and dive into the world of meet-cutes, star crossed lovers, historical romance, or movies with surprising but satisfying musical numbers. 

Just some of our FIVE STAR reviews:

"GENIUS!” -Nina Hernandez, Funniest and Most Stunning Woman

"It's my Bible!" -Rachel Bhalla, Top 1% Consumer of Rom Coms

“I’m in awe” -Carly Allen, Sensational Woman, J.D. expected
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About The Author
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Kirsten Wolfford is originally from Orange, TX. She is 24 years old and now lives in Washington, D.C. where she is studying law at The George Washington University Law School with plans to graduate in May 2021. Kirsten has always had a creative streak which is only exacerbated by her anxiety and short bursts of panic. She loves working on side projects such as this, and Definitive Guide has become her passion project. While she plans on having a successful career as a lawyer, she is equally excited for all the bullshit projects she will pursue in the future. Her worst fear is not becoming famous enough to write a memoir about all of her opinions, terrible dates, personal awkward anecdotes, and terrible hot takes. She currently resides in a cute Georgetown townhome with her two lovely roommates, Madison and Nicole. She has plans to expand both this Guide and create more Guides in the future. Her perseverance in the face of more important tasks knows no bounds. She loves wine.