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Code Blue: An Oath to the Badge and Gun Part 2 (Book 2 of 5)

Code Blue: An Oath to the Badge and Gun Part 2 (Book 2 of 5) cover image
Code Blue: An Oath to the Badge and Gun Part 2 (Book 2 of 5) cover image Code Blue: An Oath to the Badge and Gun Part 2 (Book 2 of 5) cover image Code Blue: An Oath to the Badge and Gun Part 2 (Book 2 of 5) cover image
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by: Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: July 9, 2021
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 86
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781980451891

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Available eBook Format(s): epub
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Book Synopsis
Gary returns in Part 2 of the series where he continues his journey as a police officer on the force. Reporting to duty as a police officer becomes tougher as he experiences things he never thought he would as a cop. The corruption, lies and deceit grow deeper and the relationships he has with family and friends have dissipated. With no one to turn to as his wife and son have left him, he becomes this lonely soul trying to figure out how he’s going to get out of the mess he’s become a part of. It’s a journey that will have you trying to guess what’s going to happen next and when will Gary decide that enough is enough and report all that he’s seen and heard to the Department of Justice. A rollercoaster ride of emotions in a city of turmoil, it’s only fitting that you find out what’s to come in this book!
Customer Comments
Posted: May 1, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
While most of the nation and world seems to have “moved on” from police shootings, and once popular hashtags like #blm and #takeaknee, author Jamell Crouthers reminds us in Code Blue: An Oath to The Badge & Gun 2, that some families don't have that luxury and must instead continue to face reality daily.
About The Author
Author bio image
Jamell Crouthers started writing at the age of 13, it wasn’t until his 30s where he realized he could impact others with his writing. Jamell was able to incorporate a prose format and social issues and be able to write books on what’s going on in the world today. Writing about social issues is something that Jamell is very concerned about and his writing journey has allowed him to write books on various subjects. His goal is to change the world one book at a time.
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