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CAN I SAY SOMETHING? cover image
CAN I SAY SOMETHING? cover image CAN I SAY SOMETHING? cover image CAN I SAY SOMETHING? cover image
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by: Eric Easter
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: February 16, 2013
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 120
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781467562249

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Book Synopsis
Eric has allowed God to shape and enrich his character through a quickened spirit-man and the life-altering tool of incarceration.

Eric was incarcerated for 15 years for a crime he maintains he is innocent of; yet, Eric refused to become bitter and chose to become better by allowing God to reveal the purpose for which he was created—allowing God to impact the lives of others through him.

In this poignant, creatively expressed, inspirational, poetic masterpiece, Eric shares with the world secret thoughts, feelings and views that opens the blinds and allows others to experience the brightness that shines through the window of his soul. With that being said, he invites you to accompany him and many others on this wonderful excursion titled "CAN I SAY SOMETHING?"
Customer Comments
Alfreada Copeland
Posted: June 18, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
I received this book on today and have already read several of the poetry that is within. I have been inspired, encouraged, and pushed to a greater level of expectancy in my own life in just a few hours. This is a masterpiece that Im sure everyone of any age group will enjoy...Great job Eric