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Blue Across the Sea

Blue Across the Sea cover image
Blue Across the Sea cover image Blue Across the Sea cover image Blue Across the Sea cover image
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by: Dave Cline
Books with a 4 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: March 24, 2018
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 264
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
Disaster arrived and found a home, a pair of coronal mass ejections destroyed the world’s electric grid. Two hundred years later, pockets of survivors scratch out a living. This morning, a storm threatens as Tillion sets out alone to fish the Bonneville Sea, a sea born anew due to climate change. He must leave his sister with their father, a broken, deceitful man. "Fill the barrels and return", Tillion tells himself. But the sea's waves and the winds of the storm have other plans--to wreck his boat and force him to drift, as he may, north into the hands of the Blues and their righteous sense of justice.
Customer Comments
Posted: June 15, 2018
Customer comment 4 star rating
This story has merit. In the starkness of a world "gone wrong," the author has introduced humanly warm and resourceful characters that make the reader want to get to know them better while they continue to survive and flourish. Some scenes actually brought tears to my eyes as the author described them with a tenderness unlike that which most futuristic fantasy writers would care to share. The futuristic concepts laid out in the epilogue make way too much sense, encouraging me to review my own life and the way I live it. I look forward to the next volume in what most certainly must be a trilogy.
Posted: August 13, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
Waiting eagerly to read how Tillion's further adventures enhance this wonderful story. Just keep writing, Dave!
Dave Cline
Posted: July 18, 2021
Customer comment 5 star rating
This was my first novel. I'm proud of it, its story, its plot and the characters I developed. But, it's sophomoric in style and technical merit. I get that. Writing is hard. Writing well is even harder.

I think you'd love this story. I think you should find it on though (for free!).

I'd love to hear what you think of the concept. The Great Basin of The United States refilling with an inland sea? Crazy. A Coronal Mass Ejection destroys the Earth electrical grid? Doubly crazy. A utopia rising from the ashes of civilization along the shores of this climate change catastrophe? Triply ...

(Oh, and the low star count? Mike forgot to even vote. He'd have given it a five had he been reminded to click the star icons.)

Dave Cline
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