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Balanta B'urassa, My Sons: Those Who Resist Remain Volume II

Balanta B
Balanta B Balanta B Balanta B
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by: Volume II Siphiwe Baleka
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: May 20, 2019
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 311
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color
ISBN: 9781645504023

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Book Synopsis
In Balanta B’urassa, My Sons: Those Who Resist Remain Volume I, we established the following facts:

1. Our paternal ancestors are the Balanta who live in present-day Guinea Bissau on the West Coast of Africa.
2. Our ancestors share a common lineage with Bantu and Nilo-Saharan people of North East Africa.
3. More specifically, our ancestors lived in Ta-Nihisi, Nubia. Today, that area is called Sudan.
4. Between 18,000 BC and 332 BC, Balanta ancestors made numerous migrations from Ta-Nihisi and Ta-Meri to West Africa.

This book, Volume II, explores in some detail those migrations, where we went and what happened to us until the first encounters with the Portuguese on the coast of Guinea Bissau. It also dwells at some length on the origins of peoples and religion up until the time of Mohammad, because it is impossible to understand the resistance of the Balanta without understanding the spiritual corruption of those who sought to conquer them.
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