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America's Path to Revival

America America America
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by: R. Lee Phillips
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Publication Date: December 3, 2016
Book Size: 7" x 10"
Pages: 420
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781682739976

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Book Synopsis
America is in peril today. As a country, we have forsaken our founding principles grounded in the Holy Bible. We have moved from being a Christian nation to one being humanist and antichrist, even in many of our Christian organizations! Our country is accepting norms, lifestyles, and pagan traditions that are antithetical to biblical teaching. Before judgment is passed, first against the household of faith, God always allows His people to repent and take corrective action. America's Path To Revival is simple instructions likened to a Discipleship 101 manual that provides steps to correction. This book is not a religious book, nor does it support one denomination over another. It is merely a book that expresses proper relationship between a Supreme Being and His creation, and how obedience is an adequate form of worship. The window for repentance is getting smaller. How much time remains is anyone's guess, but we can see warning signs of judgement everywhere!
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