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All Can Heal: Keys to Peace of Heart

All Can Heal: Keys to Peace of Heart cover image
All Can Heal: Keys to Peace of Heart cover image All Can Heal: Keys to Peace of Heart cover image All Can Heal: Keys to Peace of Heart cover image
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by: Zabe Barnes
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: February 21, 2019
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 206
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
All Can Heal: Keys to Peace of Heart provides a three-step process for identifying and clearing primary root causes of internal pain. It reveals the three core poisons that keep people stuck in repetitive downward spirals of fear, disempowerment, and despair and offers effective exercises for clearing these toxic energies. It is a real solution that is both practical and uplifting.Based on wisdom and healing energies received during a three-day mystical out-of-body experience that occurred spontaneously while praying to the Blessed Mother, combined with knowledge later gained during a ten-year apprenticeship with a Mayan Elder, Zabe offers a powerful energy boost that reconnects readers with inner peace of heart: any time, any place, for all who re ready to go deep. With three simple steps, we can successfully embrace, embody, and bring into form our dreams and our goals with peaceful, joyful hearts as we discover how to shine our inner light clearly, brightly, and powerfully!
Customer Comments
Zabe Barnes
Posted: March 13, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
Here is something fun that happened while I was writing this book. I was working on it in a hotel room on the umpteenth floor of a hotel in Chicago when a flock of ladybugs landed on the window right in front of me as if to bless the project. I continue to receive healing and new insights from it by sleeping with it under my pillow. May you too be blessed.
About The Author
Zabe Barnes awakens spiritual seekers to new levels of healing and intuitive awareness. Healing methods that she developed are currently taught and practiced in twenty-nine countries. With deep gratitude for her own healing journey, she is passionate about teaching others the profound truth that All Can Heal.
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