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A Collaboration from the Heart of God

A Collaboration from the Heart of God cover image
A Collaboration from the Heart of God cover image A Collaboration from the Heart of God cover image A Collaboration from the Heart of God cover image
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by: Minister Charles A. Tyler & Tamika C. Tyler Father-Daughter Duo
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Publication Date: February 22, 2023
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 34
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
In reading the Bible, meditating on the scriptures, and praying, the Lord provides understanding of how to apply His Word to our lives. A Collaboration from the Heart of God is a 30-day devotional written by a father-daughter duo. It supplies scripture references and interprets the reading to be used in real life scenarios. This devotional is designed to accompany daily scripture reading.
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About The Author
Minster Charles Tyler accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior at the age of 15 under the leadership of Elder Jesse L. Carter, founder of Carter’s Temple C.O.G.I.C. While a member at Carter’s Temple he was chosen by Pastor Carter to be the Sunshine Band president and later was ordained as a Deacon and worked in the finance department. It was at that church that he met his wife, Alice and together, they have 4 daughters and 10 grandchildren plus one. His affiliation with his current church, Greater Lighthouse Church (Houston, Texas) began in 1990 when he and his family joined under the leadership of Dr. George E. Perry. His service there as a minister includes being the assistant to the pastor, Sunday School superintendent, member on the board of directors, member of the finance department, and men’s group leader. His passion is learning and sharing the word of God with his family, the body of Christ and others. Some of his favorite activities include spending time with his family, hunting, fishing, watching sports, and most of all, being outdoors doing various kinds of yard work.

Tamika Tyler is a nurse by trade, but also considers herself to be a creative. She enjoys reading, writing, painting, and photography. She was saved at a young age and continues to be heavily involved with her current church, Fellowship Church under the leadership of Pastors Shaun and Diana Nepstad (Antioch, CA) of which she has been a member since moving to the Bay Area. Her activities include serving the community, listening to the concerns of others, providing advice regarding their challenges in life, and finding new avenues to share the love of Christ. She is the owner of Created 2 Inspire, LLC, a business designed to blend her writing and art in a creative format to encourage others. Created2Inspire.Org
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