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All books using the keywords: Yaketa Harrison

Silence Deferred Yaketa Harrison
Books with a 3 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637901809
When a 4 year olds innocence is taken it screams throughout their life experience Yaketa held a secret for over 7 years and as quickly as the words left her lips her father began burning with furry! Later that evening the argument between her uncle and father erupted and escalated quickly with her dad holding his rifle and her uncle at the other end of the barrel!  Sexual abuse is what stole Yaketa's innocence but that was just the beginning as fear kept her a victim for over 7 years!  Join Yaketa on her fearless journey as she recounts sexual abuse, bipolar disorder and much more!  Silence deferred accounts for the war within a fully grown woman who realized that the trauma she exper ...