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All books using the keywords: Vinnie Lopes

The Volleyball Debate Vinnie Lopes
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780615838458
It is one of the least known stories, but perhaps the most intriguing and important, in both the history of the Ball State athletics and college volleyball. “The Volleyball Debate” examines the five-year struggle in the 1960s of how Hall of Fame coach Don Shondell and his new Ball State men’s volleyball team overcame resistance for school officials and their athletics director to become one of the first college varsity volleyball teams in the nation. To understand the growth of college volleyball throughout the Midwest and how Ball State became a volleyball powerhouse, it begins with Shondell and these early club-era volleyball teams. In addition, to understand the legacy of Shondell and ...