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All books using the keywords: The Minister Of Manhood

Her Dirty Little Secrets: Learn The Mind Of A Woman And How She Manipulates You Into Losing Yourself For Her The Minister Of Manhood
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“If you want her loyalty and her love, direct her, lead her, reward her, but first understand her and you will keep her attention and her dedication.” -The Minister Of Manhood Theres a solid explanation why she does what she does and why most women exhibit the same thoughts, actions and behaviors, but that reason “why” often is a secret to most men and even her. The obvious fact is men and women don’t think the same. These differences in thinking lead to men getting manipulated because they use logic to understand her behaviors, while she thinks and moves with sometimes unexplainable emotion. For example, she can’t tell you that she’s not in love with you, and that she’s really in ...
HIGH LEVEL MEN ONLY: Wisdom For The Men Looking To Reach The Highest Degrees Of Manhood: High Value Manhood, Self Development, Men's Studies The Minister Of Manhood
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“Masculinity Is Not Something Given To You, But Something You Gain. And You Gain It By Winning Small Battles With Honor.” - Norman Mailer Today, a man's largest problem is frequently more significant than his struggle with himself and his daily worries. The largest struggle a man has in a culture that doesn't value manhood is the bitterness he feels for not being recognized and rewarded for all he does to support his wife, his family, and society as a whole. In today's society, males are taught that they must make self-sacrificing decisions and serve as the primary breadwinners for their wives and children. And that a man's happiness comes in second to that of his wife. How frequen ...
Knowledge, Instruction, Nobility, Growth - K.I.N.G: Quotes & Wisdoms On Life, Business, Manhood, Money & Women The Minister Of Manhood
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“The Man who walks with wise men becomes wise himself.” - King Solomon With the lack of positive male role models present in todays society, many men have become lost. Because they’re lost and have no physically present role models they have become destructive to themselves and destructive to the society. This is because a man without a greater purpose than himself, specific and inspirational goals and a clear direction for his life will always return to his old habitual ways. Without a positive and inspirational vision for his life a man is destined for self destructive habits and the urges to hurt others due to his own hurt. Based on statistics from 2020, on average 1 male dies b ...
M.A.N - Motivated, Ambitious, Noble: How To Master Manhood & Interact With Women: A Young Man's Handbook The Minister Of Manhood
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“Manhood Isn’t Something Given To You With Age, It’s Something You Earn By Winning Your Internal Life Battles With Honor.” As a young man gets older and gains life experience, things change. But that's because change is a significant part of life. It means that when these inevitable changes take place in your life, you need someone with experience and understanding to help you understand the new challenges you’re facing. Many men don't have father figures in their lives as they grow up, which leads them to make the wrong decisions that cause them misery, anxiety and heartache. The recommendations in M.A.N. (Motivated, Ambitious, Noble) were developed to lessen the pain, fear, anxie ...
The Most Phenomenal Book You’ll Ever Read About WOMEN: Secrets Most Guys Don't Know About Women The Minister Of Manhood
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“You’re Hunting Her Sex, She’s Hunting Your Manhood, That’s Why You Lose To Her Every Time.” Your interactions with women will significantly change if you understand the female thought process, the motivations behind her actions, and then learning the specific techniques you can use to change her perspective in order to influence her thinking. It’s very important that every man learns how women really think and why she makes the decisions she does, rather than acting on what they "think" will work instead of what actually does. Now you can see what she can't, understand her motivations, see how she's trying to dominate you, and know exactly how to respond when she starts a fight wi ...
Was Kevin Samuels Right?: The Philosophy Of Kevin Samuels On High Value Manhood, Self Improvement And The Modern Woman's Mindset The Minister Of Manhood
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“When men are the best versions of themselves, the world is a better place.” -Kevin Samuels Shock jock, Instigator, woman hater, old school thinker, manhood specialist, image consultant, representer of manhood, fashion enthusiast, mentor or dating guru were just a few of the many names and titles given to the man named Kevin Samuels. This is a man who rose to superstardom quickly with his “You’re average at best video” that went viral over the Christmas holidays of 2020. Just saying his name in groups of people will either get them upset by his remarks on women or praised for his eye opening beliefs on high value manhood, the modern woman and the women who want high value men. Eith ...