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All books using the keywords: T.C. and R.E. Rubright

The Sky That Broke the Hills T.C. and R.E. Rubright
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798367912425
Feldregor “Slaga” Boyden is a mim, a military indentured man, bound to toil for years in Fort Lyster, a backwater army post in northern Stheara. Seventeen years before, King Alastair Bracey unleashed a brutal purge of magic, effectively erasing magic and its practitioners from the land. By accident, and much to his dismay, Slaga learns that he was born with a rare condition called sharna macha, in which contact with magic causes violent illness, though it also offers protection from violent magical attacks. After narrowly surviving a wizard storm at the fort, Slaga escapes into the wilds in search of Bill Skye, the legendary Master Witch Warden of Stheara. He alone can train Slaga to tam ...